Share Point: List Joins & SPQuery enchancements
Introduction With the introduction of relational lists in SharePoint 2010, they also introduced a new set of investments in how we can interact with our lists. We now have Projected fields, joins and relational integrity between parent and child lists. Projected Fields & Relational Integrity will be covered in an upcoming blog series. Joins With our new relational lists in SharePoint 2010, we also have a better support for joins. Generally there’s the following ways of joining lists to pull out aggregated data: SharePoint API ( SPQuery object) LINQ to SharePoint CAML SharePoint Designer 2010 In this article I will touch upon the SPQuery enhancements regarding joins and relational data, and will cover the rest in future articles. SPQuery enhancements Using the object model with SharePoint 2010, you now have the ability to use some new fancy properties of the SPQuery object: SPQuery.Joins SPQuery.ProjectedFields SPQuery.Joins Property ...