
Showing posts from February, 2015

Share Point: List Joins & SPQuery enchancements

Introduction With the introduction of relational lists in SharePoint 2010, they also introduced a new set of investments in how we can interact with our lists. We now have Projected fields, joins and relational integrity between parent and child lists. Projected Fields & Relational Integrity will be covered in an upcoming blog series. Joins With our new relational lists in SharePoint 2010, we also have a better support for joins. Generally there’s the following ways of joining lists to pull out aggregated data: SharePoint API ( SPQuery  object) LINQ to SharePoint CAML SharePoint Designer 2010 In this article I will touch upon the  SPQuery  enhancements regarding joins and relational data, and will cover the rest in future articles. SPQuery enhancements Using the object model with SharePoint 2010, you now have the ability to use some new fancy properties of the SPQuery object: SPQuery.Joins SPQuery.ProjectedFields SPQuery.Joins Property ...

Custom Timer Job in SharePoint 2010

Custom Timer Job in SharePoint 2010   Introduction: In this article we will be seeing how to create a custom timer job in SharePoint 2010 using Visual Studio 2010. A timer job runs in a specific Windows service for SharePoint Server and performs infrastructure tasks for the Timer service, such as clearing the timer job history and recycling the Timer service; and tasks for Web applications, such as sending e-mail alerts. A timer job contains a definition of the service to run and specifies how frequently the service is started. The SharePoint 2010 Timer service (SPTimerv4) runs timer jobs. In this article we will be performing the following steps Creating a custom timer job. Deploying the timer job. Registering the timer job Managing configuration data for timer jobs. Solution Overview:  I have a web application => Site Collection =>3 Subsites as shown in the above diagram. Each subsite has a custom list รข€“ "Projects" which has the follo...

SharePoint 2013 Out-of-the-Box Workflows Theory

SharePoint 2013 Out-of-the-Box Workflows Workflows in SharePoint provide great ways to save time, effort, and cost by automating existing business processes. Many business needs can be addressed through SharePoint workflows. Here are some of them: Attending to customer service requests New employee accounts creation Budget and project approval Leave request management Employee recruitment process management It would be hard to track these business needs if they were managed with pen and paper as in the early days. SharePoint workflows provide a great solution. What are the OOTB Workflows? Although business needs vary with the organization, some business needs almost look the same across organizations. Let’s look at five SharePoint out-of-the-box (OOTB) workflow templates that can help meet business needs. #1: Approval Think about a document or a list item that needs to be approved before being made visible to many people in the organization. The Approval workflow ...