
Showing posts from April, 2015

Work Flow Link

Creating a Feature Receiver

Creating a Feature Receiver In the previous post we discussed about Feature Receivers in SharePoint 2010. In this post we will create a sample feature receiver to understand its basic functionality. Objective 1) We will create a new feature which will have an event receiver attached to it. 2) Whenever this feature is activated, a new list named "Sales" will be created. 3) Upon de-activating the feature the "Sales" list will automatically get deleted. Steps for creating the Feature Receiver 1) Create an empty SharePoint 2010 project named " FeatureReceiverDemo ". 2) Add a Feature named " FeatureReceiverDemo " (It can be any name). 3) Right click on the new feature and select " Add Event Receiver " as shown in the figure below. 4) A new class file name " FeatureReceiverDemo.EventReceiver.cs " will be created which has the code for overriding the feature receiver events in commented format. 5) As di...