SharePoint 2013 Keyword Query (KQL) Content Class Property Restrictions

Using property restrictions in your KQL queries, you can restrict your search to only pull back

certain things like calendar events for instance. This is a very powerful way to limit search results 

and get exactly what you are looking for.

You can use these in your query like this:
"lunch contentclass:STS_ListItem_Events"

This will return only calendar events with the word "lunch" in them.  Pretty powerful and pretty simple.

Here is a list of available content class items:
  1. STS_Site –  Site Collection
  2. STS_Web  –  Site (Web)
  3. STS_List_850  –  Page Library
  4. STS_ListItem_850  –  Page
  5. STS_List_DocumentLibrary  –  Document Library
  6. STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary  –  Document Library Items
  7. STS_List  –  Custom List
  8. STS_ListItem  –  Custom List Item
  9. STS_List_Links  –  Links List
  10. STS_ListItem_Links  –  Links List Item
  11. STS_List_Tasks  –  Tasks List
  12. STS_ListItem_Tasks  –  Tasks List Item
  13. STS_List_Events  –  Events List
  14. STS_ListItem_Events  –  Events List Item
  15. STS_List_Announcements  –  Announcements List
  16. STS_ListItem_Announcements  –  Announcements List Item
  17. STS_List_Contacts  –  Contacts List
  18. STS_ListItem_Contacts  –  Contacts List Item
  19. STS_List_DiscussionBoard  –  Discussion List
  20. STS_ListItem_DiscussionBoard  –  Discussion List Item
  21. STS_List_IssueTracking  –  Issue Tracking List
  22. STS_ListItem_IssueTracking  –  Issue Tracking List Item
  23. STS_List_GanttTasks  –  Project Tasks List
  24. STS_ListItem_GanttTasks  –  Project Tasks List Item
  25. STS_List_Survey  –  Survey List
  26. STS_ListItem_Survey  –  Survey List Item
  27. STS_List_PictureLibrary  –  Picture Library
  28. STS_ListItem_PictureLibrary  –  Picture Library Item
  29. STS_List_WebPageLibrary  –  Web Page Library
  30. STS_ListItem_WebPageLibrary  –  Web Page Library Item
  31. STS_List_XMLForm  –  Form Library
  32. STS_ListItem_XMLForm  –  Form Library Item
  33. urn:content-class:SPSSearchQuery  –  Search Query
  34. urn:content-class:SPSListing:News  –  News Listing
  35. urn:content-class:SPSPeople  –  People
  36. urn:content-classes:SPSCategory  –  Category
  37. urn:content-classes:SPSListing  –  Listing
  38. urn:content-classes:SPSPersonListing  –  Person Listing
  39. urn:content-classes:SPSTextListing  –  Text Listing
  40. urn:content-classes:SPSSiteListing  –  Site Listing
  41. urn:content-classes:SPSSiteRegistry  –  Site Registry Listing

Thanks to  for this post.
For more Info. referr this link :

Happy Coding....Sharing is caring .... Keep Smiling...


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