Updating Excel data to Share Point List Items based on Id
Loading Excel Data
public void LoadExcelData()
string fileName = "D:/Employee.xlsx";
string fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToUpper();
string connectionString = "";
if (fileExtension == ".XLS")
connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source='" + fileName + "'; Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;'";
else if (fileExtension == ".XLSX")
connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source='" + fileName + "';Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;'";
//string connString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\\source\\SiteCore65\\Individual-Data.xls;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;";
if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionString)))
string[] sheetNames = GetExcelSheetNames(connectionString);
string SheetName = sheetNames[0].ToString().Replace("'", "");
if ((sheetNames != null) && (sheetNames.Length > 0))
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
DataTable dt = null;
OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);
OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [" + sheetNames[0] + "]", con);
dt = new DataTable();
InsertIntoList(dt, "ProjectList");
To Get Excel Sheet Names
private string[] GetExcelSheetNames(string strConnection)
var connectionString = strConnection;
String[] excelSheets;
using (var connection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString))
DataTable Sheets = connection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null);
if (Sheets == null)
return null;
excelSheets = new String[Sheets.Rows.Count];
int i = 0;
// Add the sheet name to the string array.
foreach (DataRow row in Sheets.Rows)
excelSheets[i] = row["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();
return excelSheets;
Insert Excel Data to Share point List
private void InsertIntoList(DataTable listTable, string ProjectsListName)
SPWeb myweb = null;
//Country List Name
string CountryList = "Countries";
string Title = "Title";
string States = "States";
using (SPSite site = new SPSite("sharepointpelsiteurl"))
using (myweb = site.OpenWeb())
#region for
for (int iRow = 0; iRow < listTable.Rows.Count; iRow++)
//GetExcelSheetNames Values
string ProjectNumberExcel = Convert.ToString(listTable.Rows[iRow][0]);
string CountryExcel = Convert.ToString(listTable.Rows[iRow][1]);
string StateExcel = Convert.ToString(listTable.Rows[iRow][2]);
string CityExcel = Convert.ToString(listTable.Rows[iRow][3]);
myweb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
SPList ProjectsList = myweb.Lists["Employee"];
SPQuery Projectsquery = new SPQuery();
Projectsquery.Query = "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='Title' /><Value Type='Text'>" + ProjectNumberExcel + "</Value></Eq></Where>";
SPListItemCollection itemsCollection = ProjectsList.GetItems(Projectsquery);
foreach (SPListItem listItem in itemsCollection)
string ListIntId=Convert.ToString(listItem["ID"]);
string strstrEmpId = Convert.ToString(listItem["EmpId"]);
string strCountry = Convert.ToString(listItem["Country"]);
string strState = Convert.ToString(listItem["State"]);
string strCity = Convert.ToString(listItem["City"]);
int id = int.Parse(ListIntId);
int PrjId = int.Parse(strEmpId);
//SPListItem itemtoUpdate = ProjectsList.GetItemById(id);
#region if ProjectNumber
if (strProjectNumber == ProjectNumberExcel)
if (strCountry == string.Empty)
SPListItem itemtoUpdateCountry = ProjectsList.GetItemById(id);
itemtoUpdateCountry["Country"] = GetLookFieldIDS(Title, CountryExcel, CountryList, myweb);
if (strState == string.Empty)
SPListItem itemtoUpdateState = ProjectsList.GetItemById(id);
itemtoUpdateState["State"] = StateExcel;
//GetLookFieldIDS(States, StateExcel, CountryList, myweb);
if (strCity == string.Empty)
SPListItem itemtoUpdateCity = ProjectsList.GetItemById(id);
itemtoUpdateCity["City"] = CityExcel;
myweb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
catch (Exception ex)
//log exception
if (myweb != null) //don't dispose if the site is from SPContext
myweb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
Get the Lookup Value ID Values for Country Drop Down
public static SPFieldLookupValueCollection GetLookFieldIDS(String coloumnIntName, String lookupValues, String lookupSourceList, SPWeb web)
SPFieldLookupValueCollection lookupIds = new SPFieldLookupValueCollection();
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lookupValues))
SPList lookupList = web.Lists[lookupSourceList];
SPQuery query = new Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQuery();
query.Query = String.Format("<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='{0}'/><Value Type='Text'> {1}</Value></Eq></Where>", coloumnIntName, lookupValues);
SPListItemCollection listItems = lookupList.GetItems(query);
foreach (Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItem item in listItems)
SPFieldLookupValue value = new SPFieldLookupValue(item.ID, item.Title);
return lookupIds;
public void LoadExcelData()
string fileName = "D:/Employee.xlsx";
string fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToUpper();
string connectionString = "";
if (fileExtension == ".XLS")
connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source='" + fileName + "'; Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;'";
else if (fileExtension == ".XLSX")
connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source='" + fileName + "';Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;'";
//string connString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\\source\\SiteCore65\\Individual-Data.xls;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;";
if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionString)))
string[] sheetNames = GetExcelSheetNames(connectionString);
string SheetName = sheetNames[0].ToString().Replace("'", "");
if ((sheetNames != null) && (sheetNames.Length > 0))
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
DataTable dt = null;
OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);
OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [" + sheetNames[0] + "]", con);
dt = new DataTable();
InsertIntoList(dt, "ProjectList");
To Get Excel Sheet Names
private string[] GetExcelSheetNames(string strConnection)
var connectionString = strConnection;
String[] excelSheets;
using (var connection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString))
DataTable Sheets = connection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null);
if (Sheets == null)
return null;
excelSheets = new String[Sheets.Rows.Count];
int i = 0;
// Add the sheet name to the string array.
foreach (DataRow row in Sheets.Rows)
excelSheets[i] = row["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();
return excelSheets;
Insert Excel Data to Share point List
private void InsertIntoList(DataTable listTable, string ProjectsListName)
SPWeb myweb = null;
//Country List Name
string CountryList = "Countries";
string Title = "Title";
string States = "States";
using (SPSite site = new SPSite("sharepointpelsiteurl"))
using (myweb = site.OpenWeb())
#region for
for (int iRow = 0; iRow < listTable.Rows.Count; iRow++)
//GetExcelSheetNames Values
string ProjectNumberExcel = Convert.ToString(listTable.Rows[iRow][0]);
string CountryExcel = Convert.ToString(listTable.Rows[iRow][1]);
string StateExcel = Convert.ToString(listTable.Rows[iRow][2]);
string CityExcel = Convert.ToString(listTable.Rows[iRow][3]);
myweb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
SPList ProjectsList = myweb.Lists["Employee"];
SPQuery Projectsquery = new SPQuery();
Projectsquery.Query = "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='Title' /><Value Type='Text'>" + ProjectNumberExcel + "</Value></Eq></Where>";
SPListItemCollection itemsCollection = ProjectsList.GetItems(Projectsquery);
foreach (SPListItem listItem in itemsCollection)
string ListIntId=Convert.ToString(listItem["ID"]);
string strstrEmpId = Convert.ToString(listItem["EmpId"]);
string strCountry = Convert.ToString(listItem["Country"]);
string strState = Convert.ToString(listItem["State"]);
string strCity = Convert.ToString(listItem["City"]);
int id = int.Parse(ListIntId);
int PrjId = int.Parse(strEmpId);
//SPListItem itemtoUpdate = ProjectsList.GetItemById(id);
#region if ProjectNumber
if (strProjectNumber == ProjectNumberExcel)
if (strCountry == string.Empty)
SPListItem itemtoUpdateCountry = ProjectsList.GetItemById(id);
itemtoUpdateCountry["Country"] = GetLookFieldIDS(Title, CountryExcel, CountryList, myweb);
if (strState == string.Empty)
SPListItem itemtoUpdateState = ProjectsList.GetItemById(id);
itemtoUpdateState["State"] = StateExcel;
//GetLookFieldIDS(States, StateExcel, CountryList, myweb);
if (strCity == string.Empty)
SPListItem itemtoUpdateCity = ProjectsList.GetItemById(id);
itemtoUpdateCity["City"] = CityExcel;
myweb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
catch (Exception ex)
//log exception
if (myweb != null) //don't dispose if the site is from SPContext
myweb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
public static SPFieldLookupValueCollection GetLookFieldIDS(String coloumnIntName, String lookupValues, String lookupSourceList, SPWeb web)
SPFieldLookupValueCollection lookupIds = new SPFieldLookupValueCollection();
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lookupValues))
SPList lookupList = web.Lists[lookupSourceList];
SPQuery query = new Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQuery();
query.Query = String.Format("<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='{0}'/><Value Type='Text'> {1}</Value></Eq></Where>", coloumnIntName, lookupValues);
SPListItemCollection listItems = lookupList.GetItems(query);
foreach (Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItem item in listItems)
SPFieldLookupValue value = new SPFieldLookupValue(item.ID, item.Title);
return lookupIds;
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