SharePoint SPFx Intro & Configuration to Create New SPFx Solution

SharePoint SPFx Introduction
What is SPFx?

1. SPFx is SharePoint Framework Extension which was newly introduced in SharePoint 2016 Online.
2. SPFx is introduced on replacement of SharePoint Visual Web Parts(SP Visual Web Parts can't be deployed to SharePoint Online).
3. In SPFx we can 3 types of solutions like Web Part, Extensions and Library.

Why SPFx?

1. The world is moving more and more towards client-side development. No matter how good the back-end architecture is, what the user gets to see is user interface. If the user doesn't feel a smooth and lag free experience, user would certainly complain.

2. With these advancements in technologies, SharePoint has decided to focus more towards improving the user experience with the product. So, this opens a world of endless possibilities for developers working with SharePoint. This means Microsoft SharePoint now has full support for open source tool chain.

Configuring Development Environment
       1.      Install Supportable Node JS Version
      If you are in Windows, you can use the msi installers in this link for the easiest way to set up NodeJS. If you have NodeJS already installed, check if you have the latest version by using node -v. It should return the current LTS version.

       2.      Install Yeoman and gulp
To install Yeoman and gulp open the Node js prompt in administrator mode and run the below command (Please run the Proxy commands in case below command not executes properly).
                  npm install -g yo gulp

a.     What is Yeoman & What it will do?
Yeoman is an open source client-side scaffolding tool for web applications. Yeoman runs as a command-line interface written for Node.js and combines several functions into one place, such as generating a starter template, managing dependencies, running unit tests, providing a local development server, and optimizing production code for deployment.

b.     What is gulp & What it will do?
Gulp is a cross-platform, streaming task runner that lets developers automate many development tasks. At a high level, gulp reads files as streams and pipes the streams to different tasks. These tasks are code-based and use plugins. The tasks modify the files, building source files into production files.

        3.      Install Yeoman SharePoint generator template

a.     The Yeoman SharePoint web part generator helps you quickly create a SharePoint client-side solution project with the right toolchain and project structure. To install the SharePoint Framework Yeoman generator globally, enter the following command in Node JS Command Prompt:

npm i -g @microsoft/generator-sharepoint

b.     If you need to switch between the different projects created by using different versions of the SharePoint Framework Yeoman generator, you can install the generator locally as a development dependency in the project folder by executing the following command in PowerShell:

npm install @microsoft/generator-sharepoint –save-dev

Once you are done with the installation, you will be able to create new webparts using SharePoint framework.
    4.      Install a Code Editor
You can use any code editor or IDE that supports client-side development to build your web part, such as:

The steps and examples in this documentation use Visual Studio Code, but you can equally use any editor of your choice.
     5.      How to create New SharePoint SPFx Project
a.      Open Node JS as administrator
b.     Create a directory to store the files by running the following command
md <folder name>
c.      Navigate to the new Folder
cd .\<folder name>\
d.     Navigate to newly created folder to create the SPFx project
e.      Run the below command to create New SPFx Project
yo @microsoft/sharepoint

f.  This will request a couple of details, enter all of those, and that will create the new project for you.
i.   What is the name of your project?

          ii.     What is the SharePoint version?
 iii. Select if the admin should have the option to deploy this app to all site or not.

           iv.   Select the type of client-side component.


                 v. Enter the webpart name & Enter the webpart description

vi. After the configuration, there is a confirmation message like the following.

        vii.  Select the framework of the webpart, this is just for scaffolding purpose

 Sharing is caring.... Enjoy SharePoint Coding.....


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